“We regret to inform you…….”
You have seen this email enough times already. You are getting frustrated and demotivated. What is even more confusing is, your qualifications are just right for the roles you are applying for.
You are skilled and competent. But no one is hiring you.
Here are the reasons you may find yourself getting trapped at the job interview stage.
1. Your Interview Skills Are Non-Existent
Just like cooking, interviewing is a skill. Your qualifications got you to the door, but it is what you do (or don’t do) from that moment that gets you the job.
The good news is, interviewing is an acquired skill that can be learned and improved. Learning interview technics is a part of the job application process that many applicants ignore. But it is what determines if you get called for the next interview.
Here are a few tips for improving your interview skills:
- Research the company and industry. Many recruiters want to know if potential employees are truly interested in working for the company and have done some groundwork.
- Give short and precise answers. Remember that the interview is timed. It’s important to give thorough answers, but not all questions need 5 minutes of speech.
- Sell yourself. What makes you the best candidate? Many more candidates are as qualified as you are. What makes you stand out? Be prepared to tell the interviewer why you are best for the role.
2. High Salary and Benefits Expectations
Do not show up with a list of non-negotiable requirements. If you insist on a salary 3 times more than the employer can offer, you will most likely not get a callback.
While it’s important to know your value, this may be a red flag to the employers. It is advisable to be as flexible as possible. Explaining your needs while showing flexibility gives employers the impression that you are adaptable.
3. You Do Not Have Relevant References
References attest to the skills and experiences listed on your resume. Who you list as your references can have a big impact on the success of your job application. It is essential to list people familiar with your work and will be able to attest to your abilities.
Sue Andrews, a business and HR consultant at KIS Finance, advises,
“Even if you have interviewed well and passed any tests, you still need a positive reference to back this up. After all, the interviewer has probably only met you for a few hours, whilst a reference can comment on your performance and behavior over a much longer period and verify the facts.”
To sum up, preparing for an interview is also part of the interview process and should be given priority. By doing so, you are more in control and will appear cool, calm, and collected to the interviewer — qualities that are highly desired for potential candidates. Always be modest with your expectations and have references who will highly vouch for you.